Wagener Park has a tradition of celebrating Halloween with fun activities for adults and children of all ages. Join us September 19, 2015 for the following events:
September 19, 2015 Schedule of Events
11AM to 12 PM – Coffee, Punch & Sweets at Pavilion
12 PM to 2 PM – Pumpkin Painting and Games
2 PM to 3 PM – Hayride and a Barrel Ride- Boarding Near the Restrooms.
3 PM – Judging of Costumes of Kids and Adults- by age groups for kids. (Baby-3, Ages 4-6, Ages7-9, Ages 10-14)
4 PM to 5 PM – Trick or Treat throughout the Park (no Trick or Treat in Full Hook-up Area).
6 PM to 9 PM – DJ in the Pavilion
To ensure the safety of our children, the front gates will be closed to traffic during trick or treat. Please do not move your vehicles during this time. There will be prizes for the best decorated campsites 1st, 2nd, 3rd place. Drop off vote cards by 8 p.m. Saturday-Office. Winners will be posted on the office door at 8:30 p.m. on Saturday.
Thank You to the campers who dropped of returnable bottles & cans, and all who dropped spare change in donation jar.
Also a BIG thank you to all the wonderful volunteers, without you this wouldn’t be possible.
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